Wednesday 19 October 2011

COAST - Deauville - "The Kingdom of Elegance"

This time it wasn't Queen Victoria in search of yet another watering place, but the half brother of Napoleon III, Duke de Morny, who during a stay in Normandy, in neighbouring Trouville, came up with the idea to create there a "Kingdom of Elegance". The new resort, Deauville, sprouted along the sandy beaches between 1860-1864 and had immediate success. All of Paris flocked to see it. It became an inspiration to many an artist and notably Coco Chanel, who opened one of her first boutiques here. Deauville was immortalised in the 60s classic “Un homme et une femme” and the haunting theme music is forever associated with the place.

Port de plaisance

A Great Egret (White Heron) on the beach of Deauville, 16/10/2011

Normandy Barrière Hotel
Casino Barrière de Deauville