Friday 4 May 2012

STARA ZAGORA, BULGARIA, the City of Linden Trees

The Road to Nowhere

This is a section of the major thoroughfare (Decumanus Maximus), which used to connect the east and west gates of the ancient Roman city of Augusta Trajana.  Now it cuts through what is left of the Roman Forum and links the Antique Amphitheatre with the Historical museum, just a few hundred metres away; it is flanked on one side by the turn of the (20th) century theatre and, on another, by the late 20th century Opera House. For me, this architectural ensemble, now peaceful and quiet, encapsulates the frustration many feel these days – this city with a glorious past is (or has) become a backwater, which the young are eager to leave, after benefiting from an excellent education, that the local institutions are able to provide for them. But the job opportunities are few and far between and the bright young things are looking for more exciting and challenging Sofia or abroad.

The Antique Amphitheatre

Fenced off to the side of the Law Courts, it looks rather forlorn, waiting for better times to come – maybe to be again the venue for some of the lively spectacles, the local people are so proud of.

The Regional Museum of History
This 21st century building in the shape of a futuristic hour glass, preserves more of the Roman ruins and what was the main shopping street, (Cardo Maximus).  This museum faces the Antique Roman Forum, which was - and still is - the heart of the city, and thus represents a bridge between past and future.