Friday 1 June 2012

Le Pays Basque - The Basque Country

San Sebastián - Donostia
view from the citadel -
just a few kilometres from the French border, this attractive city known for its sandy beaches and a once mighty citadel is founded in ancient times on the mouth of the Urumea River

San Sebastián - Donostia
Don Quixote and Sancho Panza

San Sebastián - Donostia
View from the beach towards the Citadel

St Jean Pied de Port
A picturesque little town in the foothills of the Pyrenees, important stage on the route to Saint Jacques de Compostelle

St Jean Pied de Port

St Jean de Luz
Now a charming seaside resort, the town's chequered history spans centuries back, its Golden age - the 17th century, the time when the Sun King came here to get married and stayed in this house

St Jean de Luz
The port where the fishermen pull in large catches of sardines, anchovies and tuna - a remainder of an eventful past - the place was mainly associated with fishing and piracy.
The big house to the right is where the Spanish Infanta Maria Teresa stayed at the time of her marriage to Louis XIV.

St Jean de Luz
The church where Louis XIV got married

The capital of piment (paprika)