Tuesday 30 October 2012


The Carrousel and the Red Spider

Every time when I pass by this unlikely duo I am struck not only by the oddity of such a coupling, but also by the incongruity of its very presence in the centre of the business district of Paris. Marrying La Belle Époque with Calder’s abstract art is quite surreal anyway, but placing it in the middle of La Defense, that seems a step too far.  Yet it grows on you in the end.  The bright colours, reflecting in the glass surfaces of the surrounding buildings, alleviate and warm the severe atmosphere that reigns around.

With La Grande Arche in all its glory, towering in the background, there are moments, especially at twilight, when the entire space becomes a stage and the crowds are the extras. The Carrousel and the Red Spider on one side and another equally bizarre and phantasmagoric couple by Miro on the other side of the square, are the stars of the show.

It makes you think. Perhaps there is symbolism here - the huge metal monster about to swallow the tiny merry-go-round; the She-spider who would devour her lover once he has fulfilled his mission. We could see the Spider, as modernity, about to consume the Carrousel, the relics of the past, to make this brave new world.  Does this mean we are going to do away with our heritage or are we going to incorporate it in our contemporary surroundings?

 La Defense de Paris


In fact old and new co-habit here from the very beginning. The business district has acquired its name from a 19th century allegorical sculpture by Barrias, commemorating the defence of Paris during the Franco-Prussian war. Gradually the business district has become a vast open-air museum but the works of the contemporary sculptors that we see here are mostly avant-garde as the Red Spider. We are in the third millennium after all. Only Barrias’ masterpiece “La Defense de Paris” reminds us that nearly 150 years ago the French battalions were making their last stand here. Today this is a place where business people from all over the world meet to discuss ways of better cooperation.