Tuesday 14 May 2013



Amboise - view from Clos-Lucé towards the Royal Chateau

The Royal Chateau of Amboise


The royal château of Amboise looks striking, especially when first seen from across the River Loire. Notwithstanding the ravages of time, its turbulent history, the demolition of a significant part of it at one point of its existence, what’s left of it is still worth seeing. High above the great river, it offers superb views of the surrounding area, just one of the reasons why it was such a favourite with the French royalty during the Renaissance.

Clos-Lucé, the more modest abode of Leonardo da Vinci during his sojourn in France is within easy reach, very convenient for the frequent visits of his royal patron, King François I. In fact the King spent a considerable period of his childhood at Clos-Lucé, together with his mother and sister. Clos-Lucé houses numerous models based on the sketches of Leonardo, but the great man himself is buried in the Chapel St. Hubert, in the grounds of the royal chateau of Amboise.