Thursday 26 September 2013

ANNECY, Haute-Savoie, FRANCE

Set amidst magnificent mountains at the side of a beautiful lake, its picturesque old town and its canals - what can I say: it seems that Annecy has it all. But, to quote a phrase, call a place paradise, kiss it goodbye! Sadly, the town has become a victim of its own success, its centre - so swamped with tourists, that wandering about the narrow old streets is not just far from pleasurable, but becomes a real challenge.

The lake

By night

The old town

The castle


There is more to Aosta than the ham that it is known for these days. Strategically located at the crossroads between the Great and the Little St. Bernard passes in the  Alps, the ancient Romans deemed it important enough to found a military camp here called Augusta Praetoria Salassorum,   and to turn it into a provincial capital. During its rather chequered history it retained its position as the principal city in the Aosta valley, at an easy distance both from the Mount Blanc tunnel and the city of Turin. Aosta is worth visiting not just for its historical heritage, but also to enjoy the ambience of this archetypal Italian city.

Augusta Praetoria, Cryptoporticus

Aosta town-hall, Chanoux square