Wednesday 4 November 2020


Golden October

October arrives and starts to paint
He selects with care his colours:
Red, orange, yellow or bright coral
All luminous are his favourite hues
With his magic brush he creates
This wonderful golden landscape,
A fascinating world of beauty that
Makes us partly sad and partly happy.

Paris, 26 October 2020



October’s gone and left behind
A golden carpet on the ground.
Wet November’s chilly winds
Blow dead leaves at my door.

I see them dancing in the air
Those glittering golden leaves;
The last hurrah before the winter
Before the year’s end.

They give me hope that this will pass
The bleak season is not forever.
And spring will come, and birds will sing
And this nasty sickness will be over.

Paris, 3 November 2020

Friday 16 October 2020


Hôtel Barrière Le Normandy

XY - Philippe Valensi

Stay Safe in Deauville

Beach Ride

The Beach - Then and Now

Life's a Beach - Expo Martin Parr

Deauville hasn't changed one bit; more subdued maybe, but still popular and alluring.

A breath of fresh air - litteraly, at a time of anxiety and uncertainty. Walking on the beach - without a mask - and you almost forget that the year is 2020 and there is more trouble ahead. You just feel happy to be alive.